Circuit Rhythm

Circuit Rhythm is a versatile sampler for creating and playing rhythms. Record samples directly to the hardware, then effortlessly slice, sculpt, and resample your sounds.

How do you load sound onto your circuit rhythm?

Novation circuit rhythm I’m going to walk you through the components editor that
novation provides and shows you how to record sounds directly into your circuit without any further introduction.

Let’s jump into it. The first thing to do is to go to or launch the standalone software editor. In this case, I’m working with standalone software.

But the experience will be the same. I’ve already connected my circuit rhythm to my computer via USB.

So now I can select the circuit rhythm option and dive into the editor, which gives me the little indicator that it is connected. First, I want to take a pre-made pack and load it onto my circuit.

So I’m going to hit upload-pack, and I’m going to select a version of my circuit rhythm pack. And that’s got to be in the circuit rhythm format, and this is what you’re greeted with. It doesn’t have any projects.

I’ve got a ton of samples populated here with a bit of space left over for recording stuff. It can also be edited and customized.

I’ll get here in a second, and I’ve also got my grid effects laid out here. Once again, I’ll get into customizing everything in a second.

But let’s say that I like the way the pad is just how it’s been designed. I’m going to hit send to the circuit rhythm.

And then I can choose send-pack or some of the other options. If I hit send-pack, it will come up with this menu if you’ve already inserted a micro sd card, which needs to be formatted to the fat32.

Take control of your samples:

Once you’ve got that, you can Choose which slot you want to send the pack to, so you can see I’ve already loaded a few onto it.

  • Here, I can choose a space and go from there. That does take ages, so I’m not going to do it right now.
  • But let’s go back to the main screen and create a pack from scratch. You can drag stuff in individually, and these samples can accept audio files of various types in this case once again.
  • I’ve got my pack pulled up here, so let me go to my kicks, and I can drag individual files.
  • In one by one and cherry-pick stuff or I can grab a bunch of files all at once, drag them all in and select an empty slot.
  • And it’ll auto-populate, which is super friendly to have. You do want to pay attention to your sample storage as it fills up quicker than you might expect.
  • So I would recommend keeping the samples that you load in short whenever you can and keeping an eye on that, and also be aware that it will collapse your selections down to mono.
  • You can also download samples from It if you’ve already loaded a pack up here. You can go through multiple pages of pieces until you’ve loaded in everything you want.
  • So I’d go back, in this case, to my collection of snares select all that stuff drag it in, so on, and so forth. Super straightforward to work.
  • Because all this stuff is audio files, you don’t have to worry about patch formats like that like you would with the circuit tracks. We’ve also got access to edit our grid effects.
  • And by default, you can select a grid effect, drag it into a slot and then customize it.
  • If you’re editing an existing pack, you can always send stuff to the circuit rhythm more precisely.

How does it behave, for instance, in this case?

  • I’ve selected the beat repeat. You can choose the rate it operates at, whether or not that’s a triplet, and how much of that effect you’ll hear.
  • So you could blend the average signal and the processed signal if you want to make it very similar for a lot.
  • You’ve got quite a bit of control of these other effects. I especially like loading in digitize and having a version with sample reduction turning up.
  • Then a version with bit crusher turned all the way up because you can have multiple instances of the same effect with different Settings.
  • So, in this case, turn bit crusher up and phaser I use pretty often that’s often tempting for me to overuse entirely.

So that’s nice to have you’ve got a lot of options here. You can also select from the drop-down Menu.